Wednesday, September 30, 2020

News For 30 September 2020 - New Blog Pages!

 This will be the last post on this legacy blog. You might end up here if you've bookmarked this Blogger page but this isn't going to be the current blog. You will find my new blog on my updated pages at The Blog Pages Of Kellan Meig'h

Thanks for sticking around this long and may we be around for a long time to come.

 The Old Warhorse,


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Here It Is, Chapter 40! The Lastest In A Twelve Year Journey

 Here we are at Chapter 40, a twelve year journey for this tome. The hunt is on for documents, one misplaced retired arbiter and a bit of normalcy for Jeffrey and Na'Krista. Her mother becomes further involved with the situation while Sa'Zarren tries to keep the damper on Dassan. And we learn more about the background of the Keth'lans of Kas'Madelle.

Chapter 40 of "Scribe" 


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chapter 39 Is Up For Your Reading Pleasure

Based on what's been happening, it seems someone is destined to throw a wrench into the defense team's works. Things aren't looking so good for an extended member of the family while others are becoming frustrated.

And, I should warn you; if you didn't like what has happened to our intrepid couple so far, better keep your favorite blankey nearby while you read on.

Chapter 39 of "Scribe" 

The Old Warhorse 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Chapter 38 of "Scribe" is up!

 So, how cool is two chapters in one week?

Chapter 38 of "Scribe"

 Now things are starting to get serious for Na'Krista and Jeffrey. Their team of Arbiters are having troubles and there seems to be people choosing which side they want to be on. There is even some help from unexpected sources.

read on if you dare!
